Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird
Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

What happened to Kenzi on Lost Girl Season 3?.Let's hope it takes an adventurous turn next week. It was sleepy and comfortable, and it's too early in the season to be pulling on the plot-Snuggie. Though this episode wasn't bad, it wasn't bold. She and Rumpel have such an unlikely relationship that even the grumpiest person can't help but think Belle will set him on the right path one of these days. Emilie de Ravin is enchanting as the fan favorite character and thinking she wouldn't be around for a while was a bummer. Speaking of, it was a smart move to bring Belle in as his conscience of sorts. Rumpel should be happy he left the group just to be spared. Regina is proving to be the most entertaining with her flippant remarks. Charming and Hook keep throwing barbs at each other, but if they say a line like “for once I agree with you” one more time. They need to add some spice or following the group from Storybrooke is going to put everyone to sleep. Other than the fun but short fight (loved the small touch of Regina stretching her magic-casting fingers to warm up), life on Neverland crawled along at a slow pace. They can share a connection no one else in the rescue party can, and I have a hunch it will be key in finding Henry. Forced or not, I do like that her history gives her a way to empathize with the inhabitants and even Peter. Jennifer Morrison handled the sad moment well, but you could see it coming.

#Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird full#

Of course the fact that Emma's an orphan has to come to light on an island full of Lost Boys, but it was telegraphed from the instant Peter Pan gave Emma the blank map. Sure it was all set up to lead to the heartbreaking moment when Emma reveals her true self, but it was still too freaking much. She's still action-Snow in a fight (she's a darn fine archer) but watching her act like an overly optimistic mom towards Emma was exhausting.

kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

As full of spunk and fight as Snow is in the fairy tale land of old, in Neverland she flounders at trying to be a mom. The best bit of the flashbacks to fairy tale land was when the dwarves gave Charming a rough time because he's the new guy and they're protective of Snow. Huh? At the very least, you'd think she'd be angry at him forcing her decision. She should have been angry, but no – she hugged him. It's easy to see his purpose and his intentions weren't nefarious, but you can't smudge over it. Given that Charming and Snow are portrayed as pure and good, I was surprised he lied to her. Maybe they don't have a Dear Abby in their realm, but it seems like they should have learned their lesson a couple of seasons ago. He's the Dark One the realm dislikes and fears him – shouldn't they, I don't know, try to think outside of the box? Go to someone else? As they like to remind us continually, his deals come with a price. Is anyone else surprised that any time a seemingly unsolvable problem comes up in the other world they run to Rumpel? Even if they didn't use his services this time, he was the first place Charming went for an answer. She's taking a stand against Snow and trying to control her (again) and even though the words are different, the tune hasn't changed. The negative side is she's preaching the same message we've heard over the course of the series. That wasn't always the case, but it feels like the writers have embraced the over-the-top factor in a good and flattering way. How I delight in seeing Regina as the Evil Queen in fairy tale realm again! Lana Parilla has come to nail the deliciously evil side of the character, and she's at her best when she's sneering at Snow White. Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird